Who Can Appeal For NSFAS 2023? – Get Answers

by Universityonlineapplication
who can appeal for nsfas

Last updated on September 29th, 2022 at 10:33 am

Who can appeal for NSFAS is one of the frequently asked questions by students whose NSFAS application was unsuccessful and are looking forward to appeal for funding.

Did you apply for NSFAS and your application was not successful, or you’re a continuing student whose NSFAS funding was canceled?

Well, the good news is, you can appeal for NSFAS funding.

In this article, we’re discussing who can appeal for NSFAS funding, where to appeal, how to appeal, and how to write NSFAS motivational appeal letter.

We’ll also answer some of the related questions to the main subject of this article of who qualifies to appeal for NSFAS.

So, let’s dive right into the topic.

Who Can Appeal For NSFAS 2023?

There are two groups of NSFAS applicants who can appeal for NSFAS funding. These two categories of students are new students whose NSFAS applications were unsuccessful and returning students whose NSFAS applications were canceled.

New students whose applications were unsuccessful and continuing students whose NSFAS funding were canceled are the only applicants who can appeal for NSFAS.


New Student Whose NSFAS Application Is Unsuccessful

These are students who are applying for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for the first time and their applications were unsuccessful.

The new student could be a prospective applicant who has applied for admission at a university or a TVET College or registered to study in a higher education which is under NSFAS funded institutions.

Again, the new student can be a continuing student who is applying for NSFAS funding for the very first time. it could be that the student is in his or her second semester or even in the second year in school.

Such an applicant although already enrolled in a higher institution of learning but is considered to be a new student to NSFAS because he or she is applying for the funding for the first time.

New students whose previous application for NSFAS were unsuccessful can appeal for NSFAS funding.


Returning Student Whose NSFAS Funding Is Canceled

Returning students whose NSFAS funding has been canceled can appeal to NSFAS to restore his or her funding.

This means the returning student was previously funded by NSFAS but unfortunately lose his or her funding for reasons that disqualify the student from getting funded by the National Students Financial Aid Scheme.

Such reasons could be:

  1. The student failed to meet the academic performance requirement of passing at least 50% of his or her modules
  2. The student took a gap year, etc.

Again, a continuing student who is applying for the first time for NSFAS but his or her application was unsuccessful can appeal to NSFAS.

If you’re a returning student but applying for NSFAS for the first time and your application was unsuccessful, you can appeal for NSFAS funding.

Returning students who application for NSFAS was canceled or returning students whose previous application for NSFAS was unsuccessful can appeal to NSFAS


Now that we know who can appeal to NSFAS and who qualifies for NSFAS appeal, let’s see some of the frequently asked questions related to who can appeal for NSFAS.

How Do I Appeal NSFAS 2023?

Students will have to write an NSFAS motivational appeal letter in order to appeal for NSFAS funding. You can appeal to NSFAS online by writing your NSFAS appeal letter online.

We recommend that you read How To Appeal For NSFAS Online for an in-depth step-by-step guide on appealing for NSFAS online.

Also, students can Download NSFAS Appeal Form, write their appeal and submit their motivational appeal letter to NSFAS for evaluation and possible approval or restoration of funding.

In order for you to successfully submit your appeal form, you should read How Do I Submit NSFAS Appeal – Gude for the detailed process.

How Do I Write NSFAS Appeal Motivational Letter?

Students must write a motivational appeal letter if they want their previous application to be approved or restored.

There are specific rules that students must follow when writing an appeal motivational letter.

That is why we have a detailed guide on writing a good NSFAS appeal letter which you should check for the simple guide on How To Write NSFAS Appeal Motivational Letter

Are NSFAS Appeals Open For 2023?

Yes, the appeal for NSFAS 2023 is open and students can write and submit their appeal motivational letters.

Applicants who prefer to appeal online will Login MyNSFAS Account and appeal.

On the other hand, those who will prefer to appeal with the NSFAS appeal form will go to www.nsfas.org.za to download the appeal forms.

Now, the question of who can write NSFAS appeal is answered.

We do hope this article on who can appeal to NSFAS, who can appeal for NSFAS, or who qualifies to appeal for NSFAS was helpful.

You can ask your questions in the comment section.

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Siphamandla May 10, 2022 - 8:31 pm

I did not get my appeal response until now I am a returning student by the way, what happened?

Universityonlineapplication May 11, 2022 - 7:38 am

This could be that NSFAS did not have enough information about you in your appeal to process it. If you do not provide enough information in your appeal letter, NSFAS will not give you feedback because they won’t be able to process and verify your claims.

You should read How Long Does NSFAS Take To Respond To Appeal? for further explanation.

xolani February 16, 2022 - 7:45 am

I am returning student and I started studying in 2018,I met all requirements to be funded for this year ..when I track my nsfas status whether I am funded for 2022 it does not appear it only says for Queries contact 0800. I Tried many times and this number is too busy…….now I am confused and I do not know what to do.

Universityonlineapplication February 16, 2022 - 8:17 am

You can make enquiries from the nearest NSFAS office. NSFAS Offices And Application Centers

xolani February 16, 2022 - 11:07 am

As I have stated, I started studying in 2018( 4 years degree) so they funded me for 2018-2021. What happens is that in 2019 I was a semester student and I attended only the first semester the last one I was supposed to do WIL( Practicals )…unfortunately I did not get it so I was forced to stay home. last year I got Company to do Practicals the whole year now I want to go back to school to do my final year the status now is unavailable…can appeal help me here even though there is nothing advise me to do it from my nsfas account?

Universityonlineapplication February 16, 2022 - 11:48 am

Yes, you should appeal.

Xolani February 16, 2022 - 11:54 am

Can you please help me to get an email to send appealing forms because in my Nsfas account there is nothing that enables me to apply for appeal there is nothing at all in my dashboard, no status… I guess I have to do it manually, sending motivational letter and other relevants documents to emails or tell me the proper way you recommend please ?

Universityonlineapplication February 16, 2022 - 6:04 pm

use the email address applicationreview@nsfas.org.za

Xolani February 16, 2022 - 6:05 pm

Thanks ?

Xolani February 17, 2022 - 8:12 am

Do you have appealing application form for 2022 that is required for your application to be reviewed?

Universityonlineapplication February 17, 2022 - 8:49 am

NSFAS usually uploads the appeal forms on the NSFAS website. You can also check from the financial Aid office in your institution for the forms.

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