How To Appeal Declined SASSA Child Support Grant Application

by Universityonlineapplication
how to appeal declined sassa child support grant application

In this article, I will show you how to appeal declined SASSA Child Support Grant application. It is common that your SASSA child support grant application can be declined.

In the article, Can SASSA Decline Child Support Grant Application? I explained in detail the cases which can make SASSA decline your application.

Now that you know that your Child Support Grant is declined, how do you appeal?

This is what you’re going to learn on this page. So, let’s see how to appeal declined SASSA Child Support Grant applications.

How To Appeal Declined SASSA Child Support Grant Application

If your SASSA Child Support Grant application is unsuccesful, you can submit an appeal to the Minister of Social Development at the national office of the Department of Social Development.

You can also go to the nearest SASSA Office to appeal your declined Child Support Grant application.

Also, before you appeal to SASSA about your unsuccessful SASSA Child Grant application, you should know why your grant was declined.

In the article, Why Is My SASSA Child Support Grant Application Declined? you will know the reasons that SASSA considers to decline your Child Support Grant applications.

How Long Can I Appeal Declined SASSA Child Support Grant Application?

You must appeal within 90 days after your SASSA Child Support Grant is declined.

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will notify you that your application for the Child Support Grant was unsuccessful.

If you disagree with the reason(s) given for the decline, you only have 90 days to appeal SASSA’s decision on your Child Support Grant.

Can I Appeal My Declined SASSA Child Support Grant After 90 Days?

You only have a 90-day grace period to appeal your declined SASSA Child Support Grant. Failing to submit an appeal within the ninety days period means you’ll not be able to appeal for the grant.

When Will SASSA Approve My Appeal For SASSA Child Support Grant?

Usually, SASSA will Review Child Support Grant appeals in the month in which the appeal was submitted.

However, there may be circumstances that may cause SASSA to delay the approval of your Child Support Grant application.

Nonetheless, this does not mean SASSA will not review or approve your declined SASSA Child Support Grant.

I recommend that you read How Long Does SASSA Child Support Grant Take To Be Approved for further explanation.

Will SASSA Approve My Declined SASSA Child Support Grant If I Appeal?

SASSA will approve your appeal for your declined SASSA Child Support Grant if you meet the grant’s requirements. However, your appeal will still be declined if you fail to meet the requirements.

When Will I Get Paid When My Declined SASSA Child Support Grant Appeal Is Approved?

When your appeal for your declined SASSA Child Support Grant is approved, SASSA will process your payment in the same month and you’ll be paid provided your appeal was approved before the payment date.

You should read How Does SASSA Pay Child Support Grant? to know the payment process involved in the Child Support Grant.

In conclusion, if your Child Support Grant application is declined, you should appeal for reconsideration.

For further inquiries, you can contact SASSA via

This article was about how to appeal SASSA child support grant application decline.

So, if you were asking how to appeal SASSA child support grant application, how to appeal SASSA child grant application, or how to appeal SASSA child support grant, then you now know the process.

You can contact SASSA via the following contact details.

SASSA Toll free: 0800 60 10 11
Email: is the web portal for the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) on Child Support Grants

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1 comment

Phindile Nozipho Dlalisa March 8, 2023 - 9:20 am

I didn’t get my child grant this month


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