What Does SASSA SRD R350 Debtor Status Mean? – Complete Guide

by Universityonlineapplication
what does sassa srd r350 debtor status mean

What does SASSA SRD R350 debtor status mean? Have you checked your SRD R350 grant application status and it shows debtor?

Is your SASSA SRD R350 grant declined for being a debtor to the South African Social Security Agency?

Do you want to know what is the meaning of SASSA SRD R350 grant application debtor status?

Well, SASSA declines many applicants for the Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant for the reason that the application is a debtor.

So, what does debtor SASSA SRD status means? This is what we’re going to explain in this article.

We’ll also answer frequently asked questions about SASSA debtor status. We should, therefore, jump straight to the topics.

What Does SASSA SRD R350 Debtor Status Mean?

Should you check your SASSA SRD R350 application status and it shows debtor, this means you were paid R350 in a month or more when you did not qualify for the SRD grant.

According to SASSA, their systems possibly made an error to pay you the R350 for a month or more when you did not qualify and your Covid-19 grant should have been declined.

To rectify this error, SASSA will withhold the money to correct the error. However, SASSA will continue to pay you once all outstanding R350’s are recovered and you still qualify for the grant henceforth.

We do recommend that you read What Does Existing SASSA Grant Application Decline Status Mean? for the explanation of the existing sassa grant status.

Why Is My SRD Declined For Debtor Reason?

Your SASSA SRD R350 application is declined for being a debtor because you owe SASSA some R350’s. This happens when SASSA mistakenly pays you for a month or more when you did not qualify for the grant.

SASSA will have to recover the money paid to you before they can review your grant again and make sure that you still qualify for the SRD R350.

You should read also What Is SASSA SRD R350 Self Exclusionary Respond Found Application Decline Status? for the full explanation should your srd gets declined for self exclusionary respond found reasons.

We do hope this article on what SRD R350 grant debtor status means was helpful.

You can ask your question in the comment.

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adeelahobaray@gmail.com August 31, 2022 - 8:19 pm

I am really struggling

Universityonlineapplication August 31, 2022 - 10:00 pm

If your SASSA R350 application is pending, then there’s nothing to worry about. SASSA will process your application and hopefully approve it.

If your SRD R350 application is declined, then you should appeal as early as possible before 90 days after your grants are declined.

adeelahobaray@gmail.com August 31, 2022 - 8:17 pm

Still waiting for my R350 I dont work but you diclaine my R350

Universityonlineapplication August 31, 2022 - 9:58 pm

Very unfortunate. However, once your srd grant is declined, the only option is to appeal for reconsideration. You should, therefore, appeal as early as possible before 90 days.


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