What To Do If SASSA SRD R350 Status Shows NSFAS Registered?

by Universityonlineapplication
what to do if sassa srd r350 status shows nsfas registered

What to do if SASSA SRD R350 status shows NSFAS registered? Have you checked your SASSA SRD application status and it shows NSFAS registered?

Are you wondering about not receiving your Covid-19 SRD R350 grant because according to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), you’re registered on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)?

Well, this unfortunate SRD status outcome typically happens to students who apply for the SASSA SRD R350 grant.

But what can you do if SASSA declines your R350 grant for being registered on NSFAS? Again, what to do about SRD NSFAS registered status, or what to do about NSFAS registered SASSA SRD status?

This is what we’re going to answer in this article so that, you’ll know what to do should you Check SASSA SRD R350 Application Status and the outcome shows NSFAS registered.

We should, therefore, get straight to the topic.

What To Do If SASSA SRD R350 Status Shows NSFAS Registered?

When you check your SASSA SRD R350 application status and it shows NSFAS registered, it means SASSA has declined your grant and the only option to fix the issue is to appeal to SASSA.

Submitting SASSA SRD appeal will inform the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) to review your application to make a reconsideration.

We do recommend that you read How To Submit SASSA SRD R350 DSD Appeal for the step-by-step complete guide on appealing to SASSA successfully.

What Is The Meaning Of SASSA SRD NSFAS Registered Status?

This status means that SASSA has found that you’re a student who is currently on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) database and receiving funding for your education.

Again, one of the requirements for the SRD grant is that you do not receive any other social grant.

So, if you’re receiving allowances from NSFAS, SASSA will disqualify your application for the R350 grant.

You should read What Does SASSA R350 NSFAS Registered Status Mean? for a detailed explanation.

Nonetheless, there are many times that SASSA has denied applicants’ SRD grants for the wrong reasons.

So, if you think your SASSA SRD R350 NSFAS registered status is wrong and you’re not currently receiving funding from NSFAS, then you have to appeal to SASSA.

How to submit an appeal to SASSA

https://srd.sassa.gov.za/ is the webpage for the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant.

We do hope this article on what do to about SASSA SRD R350 NSFAS registered status was helpful.

You can ask your question in the comment.

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