How Much Does NSFAS Pay TVET College Students Per Month? (2023) – Easy Guide

by Universityonlineapplication
how much does nsfas pay tvet college students per month

How Much does NSFAS pay TVET College Students Per Month? Are you a TVET College Student and do you want to know how much you’re going to receive from NSFAS funding per month?

Are you a TVET College student who wants to apply for NSFAS funding but also wants to know how much you’ll be paid as your NSFAS allowances monthly before you apply?

Are you approved for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme and you want to know how much does NSFAS gives TVET College students per month?

Well then, you’re on the right page.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through how much NSFAS pays TVET College students as monthly allowances.

We’ll also answer the most frequently asked questions about how much TVET College students get from NSFAS per month as allowances.

So, let’s go straight to the topics.

How Much Does NSFAS Pay TVET College Students Per Month?

NSFAS Allowance For TVET College StudentsPayable Amount (Monthly)Payable Amount (Per Annum)
Incidental/Personal Care AllowanceR242R2900
Accommodation in Rural AreaR1,312R15,750
Accommodation in Peri-Urban AreaR1,575R18,900
Accommodation in Urban AreaR2000R24,000
Transport (up to 40km from the institution)R613R7,350
NSFAS monthly allowances for TVET College Students

Also, when you’re approved to receive the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) funding as a TVET College student, NSFAS covers your registration fees and tuition fees.

The registration fees and tuition fees are defined by your institution per the academic semester or year.

NSFAS will continue to pay your monthly allowances until you complete your TVET College qualification.

However, you’ll lose your NSFAS funding if you fail to meet the academic performance requirements.

In such a case, you’ll have to appeal to NSFAS by writing an NSFAS appeal letter. You should read How To Write NSFAS Appeal Letter for the guide on writing a successful appeal letter.

What Does NSFAS Cover AT TVET College?

Below are the things that NSFAS funds or covers for students who are in TVET college for their academic qualifications.

  1. Registration Fees
  2. Tuition Fees
  3. Transport allowances
  4. Accommodation allowances
  5. Personal/Incidental Care allowances

We recommend that you read What Does NSFAS Cover For TVET College Students? for detailed information on all that the National Student Financial Aid Scheme covers for students at TVET Colleges.

This is how much NSFAS gives TVET students per month.

How Much Does NSFAS Pay TVET College Students For Registration?

TVET Colleges’ registration fees are determined by the institution to NSFAS per the amount charged for the academic year. Therefore, there is no definite amount for all TVET Colleges.

Also, NSFAS pays the registration fees for all TVET College students who are approved to receive NSFAS funding and they pay the amount charged by the institution.

How Much Does NSFAS Pay TVET College Students Per Month For Tuition Fees?

It is the TVET Colleges that determine the payable amount of tuition fees per the academic calendar. NSFAS is only obliged to pay any amount of tuition fees charged by the individual TVET College.

So, there’s no definite tuition fee amount set for NSFAS to pay for TVET College students who are under NSFAS funding. Each institution has its own amount it charged per academic year.

How Much Does NSFAS Pay TVET College Students Per Month For Transport?

NSFAS transport allowances for TVET College Students are divided into two.

TVET Students who are approved for NSFAS funding are given an amount of R7000 per anum and R7,350 per annum if the student travels 40km from the institution.

How Much Does NSFAS Pay TVET College Students Per Month For Personal Care/Incidental Allowance?

NSFAS pays an amount of R2,900 to TVET College students as incidental or personal care allowance. This amount is paid R242 per month.

How Much Does NSFAS Pay TVET College Students Per Month For Accommodation?

NSFAS accommodations for TVET College students are grouped into three. Those in the rural areas, those in the peri-urban, and those in the urban areas.

Here is how NSFAS pays TVET college students for accommodation.

  • Accommodation in Rural Area R15,750 per annum
  • Accommodation in Peri-urban Area R18,900 per annum
  • Accommodation in Urban Area R24,000 per annum

We do recommend that you read How Much Does NSFAS Pay University Students Per Month? to know how much university students are receiving from NFAS funding monthly.

NSFAS Payment Dates

Do you want to know NSFAS allowances payment dates? Then you should read NSFAS Allowance Payment Dates for all the dates on which NSFAS disburses allowances to TVET College students. is the webpage for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

We do hope this article about how much does NSFAS pay TVET College students per month was helpful?

You can ask your question in the comment.

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Mpho Phiriga October 28, 2022 - 5:38 am

Does Nsfas give food allowance for TVet college students?
And is the accommodation and transport allowance funded together or its either or

Universityonlineapplication November 4, 2022 - 1:11 am

Yes, NSFAS gives TVET college students food allowances. Also, accommodation and transport are two different allowances and all approved students for NSFAS get both.

With the transport allowances, it depends on the distance to your institution.


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