Do You Sign NSFAS Bursary Agreement Form For Payment?

by Universityonlineapplication
nsfas bursary agreement form

Do you sign NSFAS bursary agreement form for payment? Have you received an email telling you to sign NSFAS bursary agreement form before you can get your NSFAS allowances?

Many students are asking if they need to sign an NSFAS bursary agreement form before the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) pays their allowances.

If you are among the students who have received an email requesting you to sign NSFAS bursary agreement (NBA) form and you’re asking why then you’re on the right page.

In this article, we’re going to answer the question of do I need to sign NSFAS bursary agreement form.

We will also answer frequently asked questions about NSFSAS bursary agreement (NBA) forms. So, let’s get started with the topics.

Do You Sign NSFAS Bursary Agreement Form?

No, approved NSFAS students do not need to sign NSFAS bursary agreement form. According to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, students are to ignore messages or emails asking them to sign NBA.

Again, NSFAS explains that students who have received emails regarding the signing of bursary agreement form of NSFAS were a result of a technical glitch in the NSFAS system.

So, if you’re an NSFAS-approved student and you received an email requesting you to accept NSFAS bursary agreement form via MyNSFAS Portal, you are to ignore the message.

nsfas bursary agreement form
nsfas bursary agreement form

Will I Get My Allowance If I Do Not Sign NSFAS Bursary Agreement Form?

Yes, you’ll receive your NSFAS allowances if you do not sign the NSFAS bursary agreement form (NBA). Your NSFAS allowances will not be affected if you do not sign the NBA.

Why Don’t I Need To Sign NSFAS Bursary Agreement Form?

This is because you have already accepted the Terms and Conditions policy during the NSFAS Online Application process. Therefore, you do not need to sign the NSFAS bursary agreement form.

This also means, there’s no need to learn how to sign NSFAS bursary agreement form.

Will I Receive My Allowance If I Still Sign NSFAS Bursary Agreement Form?

Yes, your NSFAS allowances are not affected whether you sign or you do not sign the bursary agreement form.

There is, therefore, nothing to worry about if you have already signed the forms and submitted to NSFAS.

We do recommend that you read What To Do About NSFAS Profile Does Not Exist if you are unable to sign into your NSFAS account because your profile does not exist.

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