How Do I Use My NSFAS Cash Voucher? – Easy Guide

by Universityonlineapplication
how do I use my nsfas cash voucher

How do I use my NSFAS cash voucher? Do you want to know how you can use your NSFAS cash voucher? Have you created your NSFAS voucher and you’re wondering how to use it?

How to use NSFAS cash voucher is one of the frequently asked questions about NSFAS vouchers, especially by students who are using it for the first time.

Congratulations if you have been approved to receive NSFAS support for your university or TVET College education.

That means, you’re going to use NSFAS voucher for the first time if you are a new student, or if you are a continuing student but just got approved for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for the first time.

So, how do you use NSFAS cash voucher?

This is what we’re going to discuss in this article.

We will also answer some of the frequently asked questions about using NSFAS cash vouchers.

Let us, therefore, get started to discuss the topics.

How Do I Use My NSFAS Cash Voucher?

After you have to Verify Your NSFAS Wallet, you can create NSFAS Vouchers in many ways and use your cash vouchers in many ways.

You can use your cash voucher to;

  1. Withdraw cash from NSFAS partnered merchant stores
  2. Buy items from NSFAS partnered merchant stores

We should then get to know the details of how each means on how to use NSFAS cash voucher works.

USE NSFAS Cash Voucher To Withdraw Cash

If you’re trying to know how you can use NSFAS cash vouchers, it is good to know and understand that you can use your NSFAS voucher to withdraw cash.

In order to withdraw the cash, you will have to first create an NSFAS cash voucher.

We do recommend that you read How To Create NSFAS Cash Voucher for the step-by-step guide to creating NSFAS cash voucher.

After creating your NSFAS cash vouchers, you will take the voucher number to any NSFAS partnered merchant store to exchange the voucher for cash.

How the NSFAS cash voucher withdrawal works are that, you’ll exchange the NSFAS voucher that you have created for cash (hard paper money).

Use NSFAS Cash Voucher To Buy Items

After you have created your NSFAS Cash Voucher, you can use your voucher to buy items. You can use the NSFAS cash vouchers you create to purchase items from any of the NSFAS partnered stores.

With this method, you will take your NSFAS cash voucher to the merchant store to purchase the item you need. The merchant store will then use your cash voucher as a formal payment and you get your needed items.

Now that you know how to use NSFAS cash vouchers, let us look at some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about how can I use My NSFAS cash vouchers.

Can I Create NSFAS Voucher Online?

Of course yes. You can create your NSFAS cash voucher online. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) cash vouchers can be created online by following the process used to create the vouchers online.

That is why we have published this guide How To Create NSFAS Voucher Online to help you create your cash voucher online successfully.

What Are The NSFAS Partnered Merchant Stores?

The NSFAS partnered merchant stores are all the merchants’ stores that have partnered with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) so that approved students for NSFAS can use NSFAS vouchers to withdraw cash or purchase items from.

NSFAS Partnered Merchant Stores

The NSFAS merchant stores are;

  • Usave
  • Boxers
  • Checkers
  • Shoprite
  • SPAR
  • Romans Pizza
  • Van Schaiks
  • McDonalds
  • Burger King
  • Spur
  • Hungry Lion
  • Debonairs
  • Rocomamas
  • John Dorys, etc.

These are the merchant stores and many others that have partnered with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) where students can use their NSFAS cash voucher.

How Much Can You Withdraw From NSFAS Wallet?

Although, your NSFAS allowances are solely yours and you can spend all the money at your will. However, NSFAS has regulations on how much you can withdraw or spend your NSFAs allowances in a day.

We do recommend that you read How Much Can You Withdraw From NSFAS Wallet? for the detailed information and amount of cash you can withdraw per day from your NSFAS cash wallet.

We do hope this article on how can you use NSFAS cash voucher was helpful?

You can ask your question in the comment.

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