What Does SASSA R350 Grant Active Status Mean? – Easy Guide

by Universityonlineapplication
what does sassa r350 grant active status mean

What does SASSA R350 Grant active status mean? SASSA R350 Grant application active status means that SASSA has received your application for the SRD R350 grant and your application is successfully submitted and SASSA will process your information.

Have you applied or reapplied for the Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) R350 grant and you received an SMS that shows “active” as your application status?

Well, many have been asking in our comments and so, we’re here to explain to you the meaning of SASSA R350 grant application active status.

We’ll also answer other frequently asked questions about SASSA R350 application and the SASSA R350 reapplication and also SASSA R3560 application statuses and their meanings.

Therefore, let’s get started with the topics.

What Does SASSA R350 Grant Active Status Mean?

SASSA R350 Grant application active status means that SASSA has received your application for the SRD R350 grant and your application is successfully submitted and SASSA will process your information.

Again, when your SRD R350 grant application shows active, SASSA is telling you to wait for the outcome of your application after they have verified all documents and information that you provided in the application process.

We do recommend that you read How Long Does SASSA Take To Approve SRD Grant? for more information.

The Active status is the first status you’ll receive after you have successfully applied for the Covid-19 SRD R350 Grant.


So, how do you know if your application for the SRD R350 grant is approved?

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has provided methods to check the progress of your application for the SASSA R350 grant.

The SASSA R350 Grant application status check, helps you to track your R350 application and knows how SASSA is working on your application.

You should read How Do I Check The Status Of My SASSA R350 Grant? for the step-by-step guide process to check your Social Relief of Distress (SRD) R350 Grant application status.

SASSA R350 Grant Application Active Status Meaning FAQ

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about the meaning of SASSA SRD r350 Grant application active status.

Does R350 Application Active Status Mean I’m Approved For The Grant?

No, SASSA R350 grant application active status does not mean you have been approved to receive R350 grant.

Instead, when your R350 grant application status shows active, it means that SASSA has received your application for the SRD R350 grant and is informing you that they will process your application and possibly approve you for the grant.

Can I Reapply For R350 If My Application Is Declined?

Yes, you can reapply for SASSA R350 grant if your previous application is declined.

According to SASSA, applicants whose applications for the grant are declined can submit an application for reconsideration so that, SASSA will take a second verification process of their information to check if they meet the grant’s requirement and deserved to be approved for the grant.

We do recommend that you read Do You Have To Reapply For SASSA R350 Grant Every Month? for a more detailed explanation and information about R350 reapplication.

What Are The Meaning Of SASSA R350 Application Statuses?

There are about 9 SASSA R350 application statuses that you may see when you check your application progress.

Each of the statuses shows the progress of your application for the R350 grant.

You should read All 9 NSFAS Application Statuses And Meanings for the full explanation of each R350 application status.

www.srd.sassa.gov.za is the webpage for the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Social Relief of Distress (SRD).

We do hope this article on what active means in SASSA R350 grant application was helpful?

You can ask your question in the comment.

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cadeyshia vuyolwethu September 1, 2022 - 10:35 am

My srd grant is approved but no paydate helpe

Universityonlineapplication September 1, 2022 - 8:02 pm

Yes, lots of srd r350 grants are approved but with no pay date. However, SASSA says they’re still processing lots of approved but unpaid R350 grants. Although they haven’t stated the exact date the processing will be completed.

Reginah Kokonyana Tete June 23, 2022 - 1:59 pm

What does it mean when it says self exclusionary response found?

Universityonlineapplication June 23, 2022 - 4:24 pm

You recommend that you read What Does SASSA R350 Grant Self Exclusionary Respond Found Mean? for a detailed explanation.

Zanele May 28, 2022 - 10:20 pm

I mmm Every time I check it says my application is Active nothing else so what should I do in this case

Universityonlineapplication May 29, 2022 - 8:22 am

We suggest you wait until June ends because SASSA says they are processing all pending applications and payments before June ends.

Chris May 3, 2022 - 9:16 am

When a person reapplies for the grant and for that month it was approved must they reapply every month thereafter or is it a once offapllication

Universityonlineapplication May 3, 2022 - 11:35 am

No, you don’t reapply every month for the R250 grant. However, when SASSA verifies your application and you are not approved for the grant, then you’ll need to reapply through the SASSA Reconsideration. You should read How Do I Apply For Reconsideration For R350 Grant?.

Again, you do not apply for SASSA R350 each month unless your application is declined.

Shamna July 4, 2022 - 12:16 pm

Hi, I checked my status and it says no declined outcome, what it means, cause I haven’t been paid since April 2022

Universityonlineapplication July 4, 2022 - 8:09 pm

If your grant is declined, it means you’re approved and so you’re not going to receive the R350 for that month. The option left is to appeal to SASSA.


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