Why Is My NSFAS Application Unsuccessful? – Easy Guide

by Universityonlineapplication
why is my nsfas application unsuccessful

Why is my NSFAS application unsuccessful? This is one of the most asked questions by students after their NSFAS applications are declined or unsuccessful.

It’s very disappointing after going through the NSFAS Online Application process hoping to get funding for your tertiary education qualification and unfortunately get denied.

Yes, it’s very easy to get your NSFAS application unsuccessful. So the real question is why is your NSFAS application unsuccessful? What could possibly cause your NSFAS application to be rejected?

So, in this article, we’re taking you through why my NSFAS application is unsuccessful or why is my NSFAS application rejected for approval.

We should therefore get started with the topic.

Why Is My NSFAS Application Unsuccessful?

Your NSFAS application is unsuccessful because you do not meet the requirements for funding. The requirement could be that;

  1. Your combined household income exceeds that of what NSFAS requires.
  2. You are receiving other social grants
  3. You are not studying or intend to study at a public university or TVET college
  4. You are studying but your course/qualification does not qualify for NSFAS
  5. You have completed a previous qualification
  6. You have exceeded the N+ rule

These are the possible reasons why your NSFAS application is rejected. This could be that, you do not meet the NSFAS requirements for funding.

Your NSFAS application will be unsuccessful if you do not meet the requirements for the funding.


We do recommend that you read Who Qualifies For NSFAS Bursary for detailed knowledge on the qualification for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

Does NSFAS Give Reasons Your Application Is Unsuccessful?

Yes, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) will give you reasons your NSFAS application cannot be approved and hence, rejected.

This means you’ll get the opportunity to know why my NSFAS application is rejected so that you can make the changes if necessary and reapply for the funding.

For, example, When NSFAS says you have exceeded the N+2 rule, it means you have been studying longer than the minimum allocated time for you to complete your qualification as well as the extra two years of funding.

In that case, your NSFAS application will not be approved.

You should read What Does NSFAS Exceeded N+ Rule Enrollment Means? for the full explanation of you have exceeded the N+ rule.

Again, NSFAS can reject your application because you do not meet the total combined household that you must earn in order to qualify for the NSFAS funding.

Your combined household income must not be more than R350 000 per year and if you’re living with a disability, you must not earn more than R600 000 per year.

Also, if you’re a continuing student, your NSFAS application will be unsuccessful if you fail to meet the academic performance requirement by not passing at least 50% of your modules.

You should read How Many Modules Can You Fail With NSFAS for further explanation and information.

In simple understanding, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme will always give you the reason why your NSFAS application is rejected.

How Do You See If Your NSFAS Is Unsuccessful?

You will have to log into your MyNSFAS account to check your NSFAS status in order to know if your NSFAS application was approved or unsuccessful.

Checking your NSFAS application status helps you to know the progress of your application and the status of whether you’re funded or not.

We recommend you to read How To Check NSFAS Online Application Status for the step-by-step guide to check your NSFAS application status.

What Do I Do If My NSFAS Application Is Unsuccessful?

You’ll have to appeal to NSFAS if your NSFAS application is unsuccessful or rejected.

When NSFAS rejects your application for funding, you’ll need to write NSFAS motivational appeal letter to give a convincing reason why your application should be considered and be given funding.

You should read How To Write NSFAS Appeal Letter for the detailed guide to writing a successful appeal letter to NSFAS.

Does NSFAS Fund Extended Curriculum Courses?

Also, if you’re planning to read an extended curriculum course or already reading an extended curriculum course and asking if NSFAS will fund you, we have a full article that gives a detailed explanation of it.

This article Does NSFAS Fund Extended Curriculum Programmes? is what you should read.

We do hope this article on why is my NSFAS application unsuccessful was helpful?

You can ask your question in the comment.

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