What Does NSFAS Appeal Approved Means? – Fully Explained

by Universityonlineapplication
what does nsfas appeal approved means

Do you want to know what does NSFAS appeal approved means? Do your status for NSFAS appeal show approved and do you want to know what it means?

Well, you’re on the right page for the full explanation of what NSFAS appeal approved really means.

In this article, we’re explaining in detail what it means when your NSFAS appeal status shows approved.

We’ll also look at other frequently asked questions about what NSFAS appeal approval means. So, let’s ride straight to the topics.

What Does NSFAS Appeal Approved Means?

NSFAS appeal approved means NSFAS has accepted and approved your appeal and is ready to fund you. Immediately NSFAS approves your appeal, your NSFAS appeal status will show “Appeal Approved Subject To Registration”

This means, your NSFAS appeal application has been reviewed, accepted, and agreed upon, and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is going to give you funding for your university or TVET College qualification.

Again, the phrase “Subject to registration”, means NSFAS is waiting for you to register at an institution, especially the one you provided in your NSFAS Online Application so that NSFAS will create your bursary successfully for you.

NSFAS is going to fund you when your NSFAS appeal status shows approved.


You can therefore go to the Financial Aid Office (FAO) of your institution to make further inquiries to complete the process.

Moreover, there are exceptions of those who can appeal to NSFAS and those who can’t.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has introduced new regulations in the 2022 NSFAS appeal process and has, therefore, made it clear that some students can appeal while others are not allowed to appeal their applications.

We do recommend that you read these articles to know the new regulations regarding the NSFAS appeal application.

The “who can appeal to NSFAS” article will give you detailed reasons and students who are allowed to appeal their NSFAS application prior to the NSFAS decision to decline their application for funding.

Likewise, the “who cannot appeal to NSFAS” article will give you in-depth reasons and students who are not allowed to appeal to the decision of NSFAS against their application for funding.

Now that you know the meaning of NSFAS appeal approved, let’s look at some of the frequently asked questions about what does NSFAS appeal approved means.

How Long Will NSFAS Take To Respond To Appeal?

There’s no fixed date as to how long NSFAS will take to respond to your appeal motivational letter. However, we expect that NSFAS will appeal before the application for appeal closes.

You should read How Long Does NSFAS Take To Respond To Appeal? for the detailed appeal process and how NSFAS responds to your appeal.

How Do You Know NSFAS Has Approved Your Appeal?

NSFAS will send you an SMS and or an email to notify you that your appeal is approved and you’re to continue the rest of the process to finalize your application.

Do you want to know how you’ll know if your application for appeal to NSFAS is approved or not? This is somewhat very strange to students especially those who are appealing for the first time.

That is why we have a full article explaining the process. You should see it here On What Grounds Does NSFAS Approve Appeals?

What Does NSFAS N+ Rule Exceeded Enrollment Means?

Is your NSFAS application status showing N+ Rule Exceeded Enrollment? This status has created lots of confusion among students and we’ve produced a detailed explanation for the meaning.

We do recommend that you read What Does NSFAS N+ Rule Exceeded Enrollment Means? for the full meaning and understanding.

We do hope this article on what NSFAS appeal approved means.

You can ask your question in the comment.

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