How To Reset Your MyNSFAS Login Details 2023 – Easy Guide

by Universityonlineapplication
how to reset your mynsfas login details

Last updated on October 14th, 2022 at 08:00 am

Are you looking for a guide on how to reset your Mynsfas login details? Do you want to reset your MyNSFAS Account Login information? Then you’re are at the right place.

In this article, we’re going to show you a step-by-step guide on how you can reset MyNSFAS login details, how to change your password, etc.

So, let’s jump right into the topic of how to reset Mynsfas login details and provide you with a guide.

How To Reset Your MyNSFAS Login Details

Follow the steps below to reset your Mynsfas login details.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on MyNSFAS
  3. Click on Forgot Password
  4. Type in your ID Number
  5. Chose what login detail you want to reset (username or password or both)
  6. You’ll receive an SMS and email link to use for your login resetting.
  7. Open the link and you’ll be redirected to the password change page
  8. Reset your password by following the prompt on your screen.

That is all, you now know how to reset your Mynsfas login details. After following the process, you’ll be able to change your Mynsfas login details.

Watch the video tutorial on how to change Mynsfas Account login details

How to reset your Mynsfas Login Details

How Often Should I Reset MyNSFAS Login Details?

There’s no ideal number of times you should reset your MyNSFAS Account login details. However, you should always make sure your details are safe especially since your password is strong enough that hackers can’t use it to access your account.

What Documents Do I Need To Reset MyNSFAS Login Details?

You’ll need a cell phone number and an email address that you used for registering your account to change your Mynsfas account login details.

Remember: You cannot use a different cell phone number or email address for resetting your account login details.

This is because NSFAS has to send you an SMS and email link on the cell phone number and email you used to register your account for you to use to reset your login details.

Why Can’t I Reset or Change MyNSFAS Login Details?

You cannot reset or change your MyNSFAS login details if you’re using a different cell phone number or an email address other than the one you used to register your account.

Make sure your cell phone number and email address are the same ones you used to create the Mynsfas account.

Why Should I Reset MyNSFAS Login details?

You will need to change the login details of your Mynsfas if you forgot your password or username, or your account gets locked/blocked.

Without resetting to change your login details, you’ll not get access to your account to manage it.

Again, you may want to reset your login details because you want a stronger password that is difficult for somebody to use to login into your account.

Why Can’t I Log Into MyNSFAS Account?

You cannot access or log into your MyNSFAS account when it is blocked or locked. Your account will automatically be blocked if you attempt to log in with the wrong details three times.

If your account is blocked, you’ll need to unblock it. We recommend you read How To Unlock NSFAS Account for an in-depth step-by-step guide to unlock your MyNSFAS account.


You should only reset or change your account if need be. Your login details are always safe if you don’t tamper with them.

Always use the cell phone and email address you used to register your account.

Do not share your login details with anyone.

We do recommend that you read NSFAS Disability Support Fund Requirements

We do hope this article on how to change MyNSFAS Login Details for your account was helpful.

you may ask your questions in the comment section below.

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