How Does NSFAS Work For Returning Students 2023

by Universityonlineapplication
how does nsfas work For returning students

Last updated on January 13th, 2023 at 03:53 pm

How does NSFAS work for returning students? This is one of the frequently asked questions by continuing students who are already on NSFAS funding or want to apply for the funding for the first time.

Again, some returning students who also seek answers to this question are those who have lost their NSFAS funding.

Are you a returning student who wants to apply for NSFAS for the first time, or do you want to know how your NSFAS funding is going to work in the next semester or trimester?

Or, have you lost your NSFAS funding and you want to know how NSFAS works for returning students whose NSFAS are canceled?

Well, if you’re looking for answers to these questions then you’re on the right page.

In this article, we’re answering the question of how does NSFAS work for returning students? We’ll also get to know should returning students reapply for NSFAS, etc.

Again, we’ll look at other frequently asked questions related to this topical question of how does NSFAS works for returning students.

So, let’s jump straight to the topic and discuss it.

How Does NSFAS Work For Returning Students?

NSFAS works for returning students the same as it works for new students who just got their application approved for NSFAS funding.

This means, returning students will also benefit from the full packages from NSFAS as new entrants to any of the 26 public universities and the 50 TVET Colleges.

However, there are requirements that continuing students or returning students must meet in order to qualify for the National Students Financial Aid Scheme.

NSFAS Returning Students Requirements

Returning students must meet all NSFAS requirements in order to be eligible for funding. This applies to both university and TVET College continuing students.

NSFAS requirements for all returning students include:

  1. Certified copy of identification documents (ID)/ birth certificate
  2. A cell phone number
  3. An email address
  4. SASSA grants beneficiary is eligible for funding
  5. Combined household income must not exceed R350 000 per year
  6. A person with a disability will sign a Disability Annexure Form with a combined household income of not more than R600 000 per year.

We have the full requirements list for NSFAS funding. We recommend that you read Requirements For NSFAS Online Application for detailed information.

You’ll be able to know if you qualify for the funding in the article.

Now, let’s look at the NSFAS benefits for returning students at university and TVET Colleges specifics.

NSFAS Packages For Returning University Students

Below are all the packages that university returning students who will get approved for NSFAS funding will benefit from the scheme.

  1. Living Allowances which is R15000 per year
  2. Transport Allowances which is R7500 per year (40km from the institution)
  3. Book Allowances which is R5200 per year
  4. Personal Care/Incidental Allowances which is R2900 per year
  5. Accommodation: The amount is defined by the actual cost charged by the university. (However, private accommodation must not be more than the cost of university residence)

University returning students must apply and get approved for the funding in order to get funded by NSFAS.

NSFAS Packages For Returning TVET College Students

Below are all the NSFAS funding packages that returning TVET College students who are approved for the NSFAS funding will benefit from the scheme.

  1. Personal care/incidental allowances are R2900 per year
  2. Transport is R7000 per year
  3. Transport (40km from college) is R7 350 per year
  4. Accommodation in a rural area is R15 750 per year
  5. Accommodation in an urban area is R24 000 per year
  6. Accommodation in a peri-urban area is R18 900 per year

Returning TVET College students must apply and get approved for funding in order to benefit from the NSFAS allowances.

We can now look into some of the NSFAS returning students frequently asked questions and their answers.

Do Returning Students Reapply For NSFAS?

Yes, returning students whose previous application for NSFAS funding was unsuccessful will have to reapply for NSFAS to be able to get funding from the National Students Financial Aid Scheme.

That is why we have a full article on How Do I Reapply For NSFAS? with detailed information and a guide to reapplying to NSFAS for funding.

Will NSFAS Fund Returning Students?

Yes, NSFAS will fund returning students who meet the requirements of the scheme and will apply for funding.

It could be that the returning student is in the second year, third year, or even the last year of his or her qualification. NSFAS will still fund the student only if he or she is eligible and also apply for funding.

How Many Years Does NSAS Fund Returning Students?

Returning students will be funded with the number of years left to complete their qualification. The maximum number of years NSFAS funds students is five (5) years. this includes the NSFAS N+ Rules.

We recommend that you read NSFAS N+ Rules – N+1 And N+2 Fully Explained for in-depth information to help you understand the number of years NSFAS will fund you as a returning student.

Will NSFAS Verify Returning Students Before Approval For Funding?

Yes, NSFAS will verify both personal information, supporting documents, and academic data of returning students before NSFAS will approve them for funding.

You should read How Long Does NSFAS Take To Verify Your Information to know all about the NSFAS verification process.

In all, the underlying word is the eligibility of returning students for NSFAS. That is why it’s important to read Who Qualifies For NSFAS Funding?

Remember, is the webpage for the National Students Financial Aid Scheme.

We do hope this article on how does NSFAS work for returning students was helpful?

You can ask your questions in the comment section.

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Makala Jesuit December 5, 2022 - 11:14 am

It was very helpful and I will like to know if NSFAS will send me an email for 2023, because I am going to do my second year and I am funded by the it.

Universityonlineapplication December 15, 2022 - 4:09 pm

All that you need to keep your funding is to pass the 50% academic performance requirement. If you want to know if you’re still funded or you are not funded, then you will need to check your NSFAS status.


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